Thursday, July 3, 2008

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day to all! As we celebrate our nation's birth this day, let us give thanks to God for the freedoms that we so greatly enjoy. We are so blessed to live in the United States. Let us never take our freedom for granted.
One of my interests or hobbies is early American history. I love to read about the founding of our country and the many individuals who are responsible for our republic. I have a particular interest in the Revolutionary War (the War for Independence) which continued on for another 7 years following the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It cost many their lives and homes to win the independence and freedom that we enjoy today. Let us honor those brave individuals and all who have followed in their footsteps since then by seeking to be courageous and standing up for what we hold dear and believe in.
Whatever you do on this day, spending it friends and family or going and doing some fun activity (watching fireworks?), take a moment to remember the great struggle that our newly established nation had to endure to take its place on the world stage, and those who were involved in that struggle. And thank Almighty God for all of it!
If you have a desire to learn more about our nation's founding, I recommend two marvelous books by David McCullough, an American historian, entitled John Adams (a Pulitzer prize winner) and 1776. These will take you right into the center of these great and historic events that we celebrate this day. And let me also recommend the newly released HBO miniseries John Adams (based on the book) which is wonderful! This will also give you a real-life experience of what it was like at that time in our history. I love it!
May God bless you this day, and may God continue to bless America, and let us pray that, even more importantly, that America may bless God.

To God be the glory,
Fr Stephen

1 comment:

Sharon Melone said...

Hi Fr. Stephen..

This blog is a wonderful addition to the website!

The early founders of our wonderful country, and all those serving today in our armed forces around the world, have my deepest gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all the personal freedoms I enjoy. God bless them, every one!

I recently saw a t-shirt on vest adorned with the following:

"Land of the free BECAUSE of the brave!"

So true.
